About Pinebananas
Pinebananas is a small Canadian based game development company that consists of only a few employees. We originally became what we are by developing an old mod for an indie game named "Minecraft". The mod became moderately popular causing Pinebananas to want to make more developments, but this time they wanted to make their own game.
Pinebananas then went on to make a game named "The Epic Test" which was posted onto a gaming site called "Kongregate" and is still playable today.
Later Pinebananas started to make a sequel to "The Epic Test" but that game was discontinued.
PineBananas then began to work on a downloadable game for a change and they came up with a game named: "I Am Two Pixels" which was a pixalized (to an extent) sidescroller for the PC.
On Febuary 15th 2012, PineBananas released "I Am Two Pixels" for download on PC!
Early 2012, Pinebananas started developing an indie game called "Dead Wave". Pinebananas got quite far in the development of this game, but just before they finished ... their developers computer crashed losing all of their hard work and progress. Because of that, Pinebananas stopped the development of "Dead Wave" and thus it was discontinued.
After the loss of "Dead Wave", Pinebananas wanted to make a better and more fun game for people to play. So they thought up a storyline and a style of gamplay and started development for an indie game named "World of Goden". "World of Goden" is still in development but is hopefully going to be released to the public sometime during 2014.
On Thursday, July 18th Pinebananas changed their name from "TheJukecast" (their original name up to this point) to "Pinebananas".
We have a total of: 3 Permanent staff and many testers at this moment.
C.E.O/Developer: Tim Novak